Mobile Masseuse in San Francisco Bay

Copyright 2013. [San Francisco Healing touch]. All Rights Reserved.

Return on your investment is instant. (ROI)

 Comprehensive On-Site Welness Solution (Stand out from the crowd)

Benefits of the chair massage: The brain begins to recharge in just few minutes with the right touch, tired muscles feel rejuvenated right away. Imagine how much more can occur when the brain and the body are being refreshed in tandem, on a regular basis. Rested workers are relaxed and ready to get down to business.

Our chair massage can be set up in the office, rooftop, tents, store fronts, lobbies, suits, sidewalk, festivals, carnivals, exhibit boots, homes, hotel rooms and anywhere you wish to be.

 Events like health fair, corporate meeting,  Employee Appreciation Day, happy hour, wine hour, Client Appreciation Day, Owners reception, diamond level club, holiday parties, golf outings and you name it.

Our massage therapists are state licensed and insured. They are not just massage therapists, they are remarkable healers and they are the cream of the crop.

We focus on corporate clients in the greater San Francisco Bay area. We bring massage chair, music, and the calming ambience. You will be fully clothed during our chair massage.

Duration of the chair massage can be 5min. to 30 min. per person. Price will be from $175 to $190 per hour. More than 4 hours will be $175 per hour. One hour will be $190 per hour.

To make a schedule: call Surena at 415 299 2921 or text.